Tips For Keeping Safe On The Internet

What is Phishing?

Phishing is a method used by fraudsters to deceive individuals into handing over data such as usernames and passwords.

Phishing messages generally try to convince the recipient that they are from a trusted source. The message will often suggest there are issues with the recipient's account that requires immediate attention.

These emails may contain some of your personal information as the fraudsters may collate data from a number of sources to trick you into thinking that the communication you receive is authentic and from a legitimate organisation.

Embedded links within the message may direct you to a hoax website where your login or personal details may be requested. You may also run the risk of your computer or smartphone being infected by viruses.

Once your personal details have been accessed, criminals can then record this information and use it to commit fraud crimes such as identity theft and bank fraud.

How to Avoid Phishing Scam

Phishing scams are getting more sophisticated. Whilst e-commerce is generally very safe, please do be careful about giving out your personal information over the internet and, in particular:

  • Be wary of any email which contains urgent requests for personal financial information.
  • Be suspicious of any email which ask for you to verify your username, password or account information.
  • If you suspect a message isn't authentic, don't click on the links but, instead, call the company on the telephone, log into the website directly by typing the web address into your browser or use the company's app which you already have downloaded on your device.
  • When communicating information such as credit card numbers or account information online, make sure that the website is a secure website.

Keeping Your Account Secure and Your Password Safe

Wowcher will also never email you to ask you to disclose or confirm your password or to download any software to be able to access your account. You're the only person who needs to know your password - don't share it with anyone. If you think someone may know your password, change it immediately. Here are our tips for making your password secure:

  • Use a complex password: to increase the security of your account and prevent malicious use of your account, create a complex password: avoid using a simple password that is easy to guess (e.g. password123, Wowcher or Wowcher1234).
  • Use a longer password: each additional character helps so we would recommend using at least 8 characters. You could even use a memorable phrase or sentence.
  • Include characters other than letters: include numbers and symbols to make your password more secure.
  • Change your password regularly.
  • Never use the same password for multiple accounts - this will increase your security.
  • Never email anyone your password, and most importantly, never respond to an email asking for your password.
  • Avoid writing down your passwords, if at all possible. If you must write down any password, store it securely away from your computer.

We also encourage you to make sure that the antivirus programs on your computer are updated regularly.

Remember: Wowcher will never send emails asking you to verify, confirm or update your personal details. You can report phishing emails to us at

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