What helps with sun damage?

Ah, the sun. The glorious ball of gas that lights up our world, keeps us warm, makes everything much better and turns our skin into a piece of well-done steak if we’re not careful. Whether you’re a sun worshipper who spends every possible moment basking in its glory or someone who just can't resist a picnic, we’ve all eventually realised (probably too late) that the sun burns. Let me help you dive into the world of remedies, tips, and tricks to help you deal with sun damage, you and your skin can thank me later!

Sun damage is the umbrella term for the various ways the sun can wreak havoc on your skin (and wouldn’t an umbrella be handy right now?). Let’s get to it. Everyone knows sunburn. It’s the most immediate and obvious form of sun damage, it occurs when you forget to reapply sunscreen. It’s redness, pain and peeling – you kinda look like a weird lobster. Longterm exposure to UV rays can cause photoaging. Hyperpigmentation are dark spots caused by the overproduction of melanin. These are a few so get the gist. So, who is affected most? Spoiler; the sun isn’t playing favourites. If you’ve got fair skin, if you’re out in the sun a lot, if you just don’t use sunscreen (duh!), genetics and even certain medication; these are all things to watch out for. So really, everyone watch out. Knowing the whys and how's is the first step to protecting your skin. The sun likes to play rough sometimes and so we must be prepared. Stay tuned for more if oyu don’t want your skin to turn into a cautionary tale!

Are you feeling less like a beach babe and more like a baked potato after a few too many hours in the sun? Fear not! The world of spa treatments is here to rescue your skin! From luxurious facials to high-tech lasers, there are ways to turn back the clock on damaged skin. If your skin needs some real TLC, then a proper facial is what you need, packed with antioxidants and hydration to help repair and protect your skin. Antioxidants work as your skin’s bodyguard; facials rich in vitamin C and E are particularly effective. Hydration, well, what does the sun do? It dries. So obviously your skin will be thirstier than a marathon runner. Chemical peels are super effective too, they exfoliate the outer layer of your skin, improving texture, treating minor skin damage and leaving you looking fresh and radiant. And then there’s laser therapy, which sounds like some sci-fi movie, but it’s much more magical. From fractional lasers to IP to light therapy, they’re all beneficial for stimulating collagen production, treating fine lines and all the other good stuff! There’s no need to fear the sun, let your skin bask in the glory (with sunscreen) and let the trove of spa treatments help you tackle the aftermath!

We’ve all been there, hung out in the sun too long without a care in the world! And sometimes we simply cannot afford a spa trip, and don’t have the time. There are plenty of soothing, skin-saving remedies you can whip up right in your own home. That’s when you need to chill out, literally. A cool compress and cold showers are refreshing, it helps calm the skin and reduce redness. Incorporating ingredients like aloe vera, chamomile, cucumbers, hyaluronic acid (the hydration hero), yogurt, honey and oh my god, the list does not end! There are so many things you can work with, saving you money while reaping all the benefits, you can turn your kitchen into a spa and pamper your skin back to health. Remember, the best way to deal with sun damage is to prevent it in the first place.

Let’s face it, even the best of us can end up looking like a sun-dried tomato after a day in the sun. While homemade remedies are fantastic, sometimes you need a little help from our friends—the trusty over-the-counter treatments. If there’s a mantra you should live by, it's this: sunscreen saves the skin. Use it daily - I cannot stress this enough, on your face, arms, legs, everywhere the light touches! Sunscreen is your invisible suit of armour. Reapply every two hours or more if you’re swimming or sweating. Yeah, it’s not a fun thing to do, but your skin will thank you for putting in the effort that can prevent you from looking like a raisin. When it comes to healing sun-damaged skin, moisture is key. And not just any moisture—look for moisturizers packed with peptides, ceramides, and niacinamide. The shelves in the store can be a bit overwhelming, so here are a few tips: look for board-spectrum protection with an SPF of at least 30, for daytime use, choose a lightweight moisturizer with SPF, serums with vitamin C can help brighten your complexion! Make sure you incorporate them into your daily routine for maximum benefits! After all, your skin deserves the best, and with these tips, you’re well on your way to keeping it healthy, happy, and glowing.

We’ve all experienced the aftermath of a day spent soaking up the sun and proceeded to spend hours on Google frantically searching “fast delivery aloe gel”. But why not focus on prevention? If sunscreen were a superhero, it would be Captain SPF, tirelessly protecting your skin from the evil forces of UV rays. For optimal protection, apply sunscreen generously. You need about a shot glass worth for your entire body and a nickel-sized dollop for your face. Pay attention to often-missed spots like your ears, the back of your neck, and your hands. And yes, your lips need protection too—opt for a lip balm with SPF. After all, who wants sunburned lips? You also must look after your skin from the inside. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, eat a balanced diet that's rich in fruits, vegetables and healthy fats. Beauty sleep is real! Your skin repairs itself while you sleep, so make sure you’re getting enough shut eye. - I personally never need an excuse to sleep! With these tips, you can keep your skin looking radiant and youthful, no matter how much time you spend in the sun. Cheers to healthy, happy skin!

Well, there you have it. You’re now well-informed when it comes to sun damage and prevention, you’ve got all my secrets, use it well. Remember, sunscreen is your skin’s BFF—don’t leave home without it! Slather it on daily and generously. Think of antioxidants as your skin’s morning coffee and retinoids are the night shift workers, repairing and revitalising your skin. So, go forth and frolic in the sun responsibly!