Ideas for Pastel Home Decor

The seasons are changing, and the theme of sitting in an almost-dungeon of grey furniture it over! Pastel colours are here for world domination, and we’re not mad it either! It’s time for us to lighten up a bit – literally – and finally start decorating our houses like homes. Think soft pinks, baby blues, and whatever else makes you feel like the world is all sunshine and daisies. These delicate shades are known to reduce stress and promote relaxation by turning your space into a literal sanctuary. Whether it’s a cosy blanket, a new lamp, or a fresh lick of paint, you’ll leave the stress on the driveway and just live, laugh, love your way until the end of time!

A fresh coat of paint might take you all day to do, but it’s a lifetime of bliss! Instead of dull kitchen colours that make you dislike the smell of your own delicious cooking, picture a soft mint green that resembles the beauty of your freshly chopped coriander and cucumbers! – yum, right? Or how about a blush pink in your bedroom for a dreamy little space. Think romance, candles and chocolate – is there really any other way to retreat into your quarters of relaxation (no). A gentle hue is enough to make you excited about paying bills…. or is that too soon? Either way, pastel accent walls are perfect for brightening up a space without overwhelming it!

When you’re opening up to the world after tossing and turning all night, you shouldn’t have to face a pillow or a curtain sheet of doom first just because they’re boring colours – we need to cleanse your visual palette before you start your days! A soft lavender rug to traipse over mid-cleaning could instantly transform your mood to a state of zen - it’s all about that grounding stuff. Even when your dog is climbing up onto the sofa and spreading their hair everywhere, realistically you can’t get mad when you see the state of the pillows – because they’re baby blue! Is swapping your old decorations for happy colours the true meaning of Feng Shui?

For all those times you lost the game shows from your own armchair, it might be safe to say it’s because your seat wasn’t on your team! The level of concentration to shout at the telly while you’ve nestled into your favourite spot requires the perfect choice of chair colour – the difference between a deep brown and a pastel orange is make or break! Not only will a lush colour ensure that everyone knows it’s your seat, but it’ll be the highlight of the entire room. Imagine what your guests will say when they see your impeccable, eccentric taste for seating! Career in interior design anyone? We’re sure the only qualifications are having a keen eye for pastel colours!

There’s nothing like a classic grey or white to keep your bedroom simple. Afterall, you want rest and relaxation after a long day, not a funfair! But with our exquisite taste combined, we’d find the perfect pastel shade to dress your bed in! Imagine slipping into soft lavender sheets or a baby pink duvet and being hit with instant peace. It sounds like a dream, but you’re not too far off making it a reality over here. When you’ve spent the morning running around your room like a headless chicken to get ready for work, you want the comfort of knowing you’ll end the day in the pastel bed linens that seem to be the only logical justification for capitalism. Paired with a set of gorgeous pyjamas, and you’ve cracked the code to life!

Don’t get cracking with a garage sale just yet, we reuse and recycle for a reason – pastel coats! A credible source (us) said that you don’t hate that old coffee table, it just needs a different colour of paint! Adding a new fresh coat of pastel paint is a fool-proof method to rejuvenate your home and save yourself a few hundred quid on furniture! The soothing elements will give your space a new home feel and invite fresh energy into the ambience – all with the stroke of a brush! Embrace the DIY nature and return the loyalty to those pieces – they held you down at one point and even remained intact when you fell over trying to catch a rabid fly! It’s only fair you put your furniture out of its misery – the inanimate object probably didn’t like being painted a deep mahogany either!

The whole point of adding lights to your home is that you enjoy a well-lit space! So, we have to be honest, those black lampshades you’ve got going seem to be rather dull - no shade! Now that you know you can opt for pastel colours for your lighting set ups, are you still rocking with the lampshades that counteract the whole concept of light? If you’re not swayed just yet, imagine turning on the kitchen light for a midnight snack and being greeted with a warm and gentle shade of orange! Whatever snack you choose from there will be chosen out of a happy belly and happy heart! Not only that, but it’ll compliment any room in your house! You’ll be able to see all the hard work you’ve done to the house in a positive light!

Eating meals could rise to number one on the list of all-time best activities, but with the cutest crockery of course! – even if it’s not the same delicious recipes you’re used to…. There’s something about eating and with traditional silverware that feels very two centuries ago, but we’re no longer having to bake the bread at 3am just to have a side with our soup at dinnertime. So, why not give your utensils the chance to catch up with the times too! Think about how much fun it’ll be to set your table with blush pink plates, mint green bowls, and baby blue utensils – must be a slice of heaven!

Kitchen appliances can be quite daunting, especially if you’re a junior chef in the kitchen. The dark mysteries of the toasters and mixers feel like a gateway to pandoras box, even if you’re just wanting a quick slice of jam on toast! But with pastel-coloured appliances, you might find yourself skipping to have a snack or try out a new recipe! They’ll slide right into your kitchen with their blush hues and put a smile on your face when you’re cleaning up from an exploded blender. If you’re striving to be the next Gordon Ramsey, you might even become a happy version of him – granted you have a soft spot for the pastel shades of your kitchen tools!

A necessary piece of home décor, yet regularly overlook – or over wiped! Usually, we don’t notice the tile backsplash unless we’re dealing with misbehaving spaghetti sauce or the audacity of fried eggs. However, it might be time to acknowledge it and give it some much-needed love! The white tile backsplash is great for seeing the splats of food without a problem, but it can also look unsightly at times. Consider opting for pastel shades that won’t make you wince when you see a rogue mushroom stuck to the tile! A dash of pastel can enhance your countertops and make you more inclined to be a daring chef in the kitchen, even if it does mean orange sauce on light yellow tiles!

There’s nothing like the serenity of showering away your day and singing to your rubber duck in the bath! But we know something that’ll complete the whole experience – the perfect pastel shade for your bathroom accessories! In an instant, your bathroom will be transformed into a serene oasis where bubbles are your only priority! Who wouldn’t want to wrap themselves in a plush lavender towel after a long soak, then step out onto a lush baby green mat like a spa retreat. Your daily wash routine will get a lot more peaceful, even if you’re having to pluck a nose hair or two after the end of your routine. You’ll always have a blush pink towel to hold onto for emotional support! The calming essence of the bathroom combined with pastel accessories is what dreams are made of if you ask us!

Remember that time you fought with the storage bin looking for your favourite hair clip? It wasn’t lost…. you just gave up because the horrid colour made you too overwhelmed to look! We don’t blame you either, there’s nothing worse than trying to look for something in a rush when the whole experience is super off putting. But you shouldn’t know struggle anymore, especially with fun-coloured organisers! The world won’t end when you’re staring into a black hole looking for a specific bracelet – you might even discover a newfound happiness at the bottom of a baby blue storage bin! Whether you’re neat and tidy, or love a bit of chaos in your belongings, a dash of pastel colours will allow a sense of gentle peace to wash over you!

Pastel-coloured soap dispensers, toothbrush holders, and other accessories bring a touch of charm and functionality to your bathroom or kitchen! Picture a blush pink soap dispenser next to your sink or a mint green toothbrush holder brightening up your countertop. These soft hues, create a calming and stylish ambiance while keeping essentials organized and accessible – even if you accidentally squeezed toothpaste everywhere! Your cute new accessories will blend into your existing decorations and dare we say, outdo them… Whether you like a modern vibe or you like decorations that reflect your bubbly personality, there’s a pastel-coloured bathroom accessory waiting for you to give it a home!

The nature is the ultimate landscape for bright hues and stunning colours, so let’s take a page from her book and start sprucing up the garden furniture! Now, we’re not hating on your current selection, but how much longer do you want to have an identical garden to the rest of your postcode? We know you have it in you to be the trend-setter of the area, and the way forward is ultimately pastel colours and gentle furniture vibes! It’s time for a refreshing and inviting touch to your landscape, and the retirement of grey and black garden pillows. Mesh with the cosy and serene vibes of nature by upgrading your furniture to match the organic aesthetic of peace! Who doesn’t love lounging in tranquillity, on their own chosen shade of tranquilities!

Pastel-coloured pots and planters bring a delightful and stunning touch to your garden or indoor plant collection! Imagine vibrant flowers blooming in soft lavender pots or lush greenery thriving in blush pink planters – it feels only natural! Give your botanical displays the necessary conditions to thrive and bloom in the perfect way! Most people come to have a nosy about your plants and judge whether you’re a good plant-parent based on the leaf count, but they’ll be in for a treat when they discover you can dress your plants in the latest chic pastel colours too! Give your leafy friends the lavish treatment and serenity they deserve!


To round off us hyping up pastel colours, we feel it’s necessary to remind you for the millionth time, that pastel shades are superior! There’s nothing like a soft shade of your favourite colour to make the world feel as though it has real meaning again. We’ve dabbled in the drab colours for a bit too long that we feared you might not notice a rainbow anymore! – that can never be a possibility on our watch! Have some fun with decorating your spaces whether that’s by painting your bathroom in a soft hue of blue for those infamous bubble baths, or adding baby pink pillows to your living to surprise your guests with your impeccable taste – there’s plenty of room to explore!