Baby Electric Nail File!
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What Is A Fungal Nail Infection?
A super common condition that can leave you down in the dumps with brittle, discoloured nails (usually on the toes) ,but there's nothing to worry about! With different kinds of Wowcher treatments available you'll have your little piggies back out in no time. But first - how can you even spot a fungal nail infection you may ask?
- You may see a white or yellow spot under your nail which may spread the longer it's left
- The nail may be thicker than normal or hard to trim
- Your nail could become brittle and crumble when you touch it
- Your nail could become misshapen
What Is The Best Treatment For Fungal Nail Infections?
At Wowcher, we offer everything from laser treatment to topical creams! Of course, if it's super bad then it is recommended you see your doctor otherwise a voucher might just be the right thing for you. Laser fungal removal will not only boost your confidence but also use fine laser to target the infection under your nail and of course, you'll start with a consultation to make sure you're fully relaxed during the process. If you'd prefer treating it at home then try a solution or pill: they work for mild infections and with continuous application, the fungal infection will be gone in no time!
What Causes Fungal Nail Infections?
Ever wondered what keeps causing your fungal infection to keep coming back, back and back again? Well, wonder no more! Just check out the list of tips and tricks below:
- Aim to wash your hands and feet everyday with soap
- Keep all your nails short and trimmed
- Try and wear socks with the appropriate shoes to soak up that yucky moisture and change your socks daily!
- If needed, why not use an antifungal powder or spray on your feet and shoes to keep the infection at bay.