Stylish Maxi Dress
£9.99 instead of £24.99 (from MYO Fashion) for a maxi dress in a choice of nine designs - save 60%
Stylish Maxi Dress
Product Features
- Get a stylish maxi dress.
- Choose from the following designs:
- Leopard print, plain black, wine, red.
- Black & white-striped or rainbow-striped.
- Or a purple, coral, or blue tie dye.
- Sizes S/M and M/L.
The Fine Print
- May buy multiples.
- Voucher valid until 25th Aug 2013.
- Delivery costs an extra £4.50 per item.
- Please allow up to 7 working days for delivery after redeeming.
- This deal will be advertised on site until 10.08.2013. Price is subject to change.
This deal is brought to you by Essence Fashion
This deal is brought to you by Essence Fashion
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