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Quad biking
£19 instead of £45 for a 1 hour quad biking experience at Amazon Events, Hailsham – burn some rubber and save 58%

Quad biking
- A full hour of exhilarating quad biking.
- Massive site in East Sussex.
- Wide range of quad bikes for a variety of ages.
- Safety briefing, full equipment and tuition is provided.
- Easy to get to - about 90 minutes drive from London.

The Fine Print
- May buy multiples.
- Voucher valid for 3 months.
- Sorry, you need to be over 11 to enjoy today’s deal.
- This deal will be advertised on site until 15.01.2012. Price is subject to change.
This deal is brought to you by Amazon Events
This deal is brought to you by Amazon Events