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Charity Santa Fun Run
£7.50 instead of £12.50 for entry to a Santa fun run inc. Santa suit in aid of The Bridge School, Islington on 7th Dec - save 40%

Charity Santa Fun Run
- Help raise money for The Bridge School in Islington.
- School for children aged 2-19 years old with complex learning difficulties.
- Join a 2km fun run on 7th Dec at 2pm.
- Includes a Santa suit for adults and hat for kids to run in (and keep afterwards)!
- Based at Highbury Fields.

The Fine Print
- One per person.
- May buy multiples as gifts.
- Must register by 30th Nov 2013.
- Voucher valid 7th Dec 2013 only.
- Additional £2 for under-16s (must be accompanied by an adult). Register through The Bridge School.
- Santa suit for adults only - Kids get hats.
- Minimum £10 donation in addition to entry costs.
- Subject to availability.
- This deal will be advertised on site until 26.11.2013. Price is subject to change.
This deal is brought to you by The Bridge School
This deal is brought to you by The Bridge School