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Mosquito repellent

Buzz Off! Mosquito Repellent Bands - DEET-Free Protection




Buzz Off! Mosquito Repellent Bands - DEET-Free Protection

Colours: Material / Ingredients: Size: Silicone, Copper, Essence of Citronella, Moxa and Lavender Turquoise or Pink.6cm Diameter.Blue (Turquoise) or Pink.Bracelet: 4 Bands Per Bracelet Natural Citronella Oil. 4 Bands Per Bracelet.2 Colours.

127 bought

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Electric USB Mosquito Repellent UV Lamp




Electric USB Mosquito Repellent UV Lamp

Dimensions: 13.5cm x 20cm; Weight: 350g.Eco Friendly: This UV lamp is not harmful towards humans or pets as it is non toxic, has no chemicals, and is non radiative.

51 bought

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Rechargeable LED Mosquito Repellent UV Lamp




Rechargeable LED Mosquito Repellent UV Lamp

Ideal for: Any room in the house including your child's nursery!Pest control: Get an LED mosquito repellent UV lamp.LED light: Features an LED light to attract mosquitos.Dimensions: 12 x 21.5cm.

1093 bought

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Ultrasound Mosquito Repellent Wristband - 4 Colours!




Ultrasound Mosquito Repellent Wristband - 4 Colours!

Resistant: Waterproof enough to last through rain and frequent hand washing, meaning you don't have to remove the bracelet at any time!Bracelet: Get an ultrasound mosquito repellent wristband Suitable: Can be worn by everyone including pets, kids and old people, and pregnant people.

17 bought

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Mosquito Repellent Bracelet - 2 Colours




Mosquito Repellent Bracelet - 2 Colours

4 Band Mosquito Repellent Bracelet: Feel like a queen bee with this mosquito repellent bracelet!Ingredients: Infused with a deet free repellent, this bracelet saves you all the work of swatting away mosquitos.

1022 bought

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Ultrasonic Mosquito Repellent Bracelet - 2 Colours




Ultrasonic Mosquito Repellent Bracelet - 2 Colours

Colour options: Choose from white and black colour options.Repel mosquitos: This watch omits a 34Hz 70KHz frequency that repels mosquitoes.No chemicals! Mosquito bracelet: Get an Ultrasonic Mosquito Repellent Bracelet.High quality: A piece for time!

241 bought

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Portable Mosquito Repellent Camping Light




Portable Mosquito Repellent Camping Light

Outdoor fun without bites: Perfect for hiking, picnicking, or backyard relaxation, this versatile repellent keeps you and your family protected from mosquitoes.Illuminate and protect anywhere: This Portable Mosquito Repellent Camping Light keeps mosquitoes away while lighting up your adventures.

6 bought

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