They say that everyone has a novel inside them. Please don’t take that as cause to rush to the hospital, it’s just a figure of speech. But seriously, all that time spent staring out of the window dreaming of worlds far away may bear some fruit…
We’ve teamed up with
Avanquest Software to offer you
Write Your Own Novel Professional v2 for a
mere £9.99. That’s a huge
75% off of the
usual £30.62.
If you’ve ever tried to write a book before, you know that you’ll get two paragraphs in before realising that you need some serious organisation.
As well as the overarching story, you need to produce deep characters and location. Events are needed to punctuate your story. And what about those themes? What will plucky schoolchildren be analysing in years to come?
Characters can be created from scratch, or can be generated to provide you with instant inspiration. Events can be generated too, and you can keep track of the characters that you have created through them.
The links feature lets you link all of the elements of your story together, allowing you to keep your story consistent. With the storyboard feature you’ll easily be able to organise and edit chapters, having a birds eye view of your story.
Most importantly, you’ll get a thesaurus and spell checker includes. Never be lost for words, and never look a fool with these fantastic tools.
The end result will be publisher-ready manuscripts that are perfect for professional submission. And with the submission tracker, you’ll know exactly how many times you’ve plugged your story.
A novel idea, and redemption is easy: when the deal ends, we’ll send you your unique wowcher code. Just visit Avanquest online and input your full wowcher code.
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